As God’s work continues to take place in Thailand and across Asia we welcome your prayers and financial support. VT believes in strong partnerships around the world and in assisting national evangelists and church planters as they plant new churches. Consider supporting the ministry cost of VT members and watch them as they plant healthy churches. There are a number of ways you can help:
- Sponsor a student church planter as they are trained for the ministry. A donation of $1,200 a year will go towards training a rural church planter, or up to $2,200 a year for an urban church planter.
- Adopt a church planter for only $100 a month. Just $180 a month can provide the support needed to rent a building suitable for church ministry as well as being the home of the church planter.
Please note that in addition to donating to us (via the form below), we would also be pleased to facilitate the transfer of securities for the donors to Vision Thailand Canada. We do this by using the services of Abundance Canada and you can get more information at their website.