April 2017 Pastors & Leaders Convention in Chiang Mai
God’s Spirit is at Work in Thailand!
SEVENTY-EIGHT: Yes, seventy-eight new believers have taken the step of water baptism in the first six months of 2017. And, 33 men have been baptized in the prison ministries that
Vision Thailand is a part of! That’s 111 new believers in this small but vibrant ministry we call Vision Thailand Canada.
Hello, and welcome to another update of what God is doing in Thailand.
GRATEFUL: Thank you for your prayers and financial support that allows us, with a relatively small budget, to support close to 50 church groups, run a Church Planting School with
two centers (Bangkok and Chiang Mai) and as finances permit, assist some villagers with real physical needs. One such need that is becoming increasingly clear to us for an entire community’s gratefulness, is Bore Wells.
WATER: A good number of Vision Thailand churches are situated in the mountainous region of Northern Thailand where many of the people we work with are refugees that have fled
Burma and Laos. They live on unregistered land where the Thai government permits them to live and farm or have small businesses. Water is a huge need. We are trying to help these villages with a Bore well.
MINISTRY PHILOSOPHY: Most of our pastor families are bi-vocational. Because Vision Thailand doesn’t provide full support, they work another job to support their families. There
are two big reasons for this. First of all, we do not want to create a dependency model of mission and secondly, equally important, our financial resources are rather limited and we try to support as many pastors’ families as we can, as well as our Church Planter
GRADUATION CELEBRATIONS: This spring, we graduated nine new Church Planters after a two-year program of systematic Bible Training, writing papers and completing a set course of
studies. A number of the graduates are already working to start new church plants. When adequate resources come in, we will support them as well. Once again, I want to thank you for your interest in this mission, your prayers and your financial support. If
you are interested in supporting a Church Planter or a Village Church or a Pastor’s family, please contact us at 519-897-8890 or vidyanarimalla@gmail.com. Each Canadian dollar stretches into 26 Thai baht.
Mrs. Mali
I Thank God for a team of 14 young people from our church have been trained to go out to share their personal testimony and encourage believers in our 4 churches and Outreach Centers. One night, we felt powerfully touched by
the presence of The Holy Spirit. He was among us as we prayed for the sick, encouraged the weak, and asked God to strengthen our members’ love for the Lord in their personal lives.
Mr. Sor and his wife Oarm
We praise God for answered prayer for our youngest son. His twin died at childbirth eight months ago and our son has been in ICU for the first 5 months of his life. Every day the doctors told us to give up because our son
would not live, but we kept trusting and praying along with other churches in VT. Now our son is home with us, fit and healthy and very mischievous. The doctors are amazed and say he is healthy now because of our Faith in God.
Vidya Narimalla
Chair, Vision Thailand Canada
CRA # 837299262RR0001
visionthailandcanada.ca and visionthailand.org